Wednesday, 17 July 2013

I am alive!

Almost a month ago I posted my first article. Sorry! But I didn’t have time to update it. I will tell you:

During this last month, I have attended two different workcamps, which my organization coordinated, Deineta.
I am absolutely certain we all volunteers gained knowledge and skills participating in these workcamps.

The workcamps took place in Varnai, a small village situated in the North West of Lithuania. A fantastic place where you can enjoy the nature and the amazing lake with its beach.

The first workcamp was from June 16st to June 27st. The goal of this workcamp was to prepare the Festival KILKIM ŽAIBU 2013, the Festival of ancient traditions and heavy music.

We gathered 5 volunteers from different countries ( Spain, France, Italy and Mexico). Also our camp leader, from Lithuania.

Concerning to our tasks, we helped organizers out to build festive traditional installations (domes, fire places, sculptures), prepare raw materials, prepare the territory for the festival, set up tents, clean the territory after the festival, etc…
At the beginning it was hard because there was much work to do but, day by day, we forgot the workload and started to enjoy the international atmosphere, people, jokes, etc…

I think it’s worth it to work for several hours and later enjoying the extra time. During our extra time, I mean after working, we met many other Lithuanian volunteers, took the waterbike around the lake, played card games, went for a drink at the beach. But the most amazing activity was when we went to a wood full of mud with other Lithuanian volunteers, Kulgrinda. I was told that it was an ancient tradition, the pagans, who knew the roads in the forest, attracted persecutors and they got stuck in the mud.

Concerning to the second workcamp, it was called BLIUZO NAKTYS and took place in the same place, in Varniai, from June 30th to July 30th. It is a well-known festival in Lithuania.

In this workcamp we gathered 8 people ( Spain, Russia, Mexico, Korea, Italy, Taiwan and Turkey). I can say this one was special due to the diversity of nationalities and cultures.

Until the festival we did almost the same tasks than the previous one ( prepare the territory, paint some stuff, etc…).
I think the fun was bigger seeing as we were more volunteers and we had less work.

In this workcamp I want to emphasize a day, my birthday. The volunteers prepared a surprise party to me. They bought a delicious cake and we ate it around a fire, dancing and singing. Thanks guys!

During the festival, we enjoyed the concerts and people. It was packed!
Finally, after the festival we cleaned the territory and we left to Palanga to enjoy its beach. It was an unforgettable day because we made a delicious barbeque!
With the finalization of the trip to Palanga  was time to say bye to them.
I will miss you guys!

The half of my summer has gone but I don’t regret it, I have had a fantastic time! The best thing is the other half part of my summer will be other two workcamps!
I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

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