Friday, 11 November 2011

mice, colour and the park's invasion

Sveiki !!!

Pirma : shame on me..... aš niekada neko neparašau mūsų bloge...
Antra : beje, labai ačiū tau, Eduardui !!!!!
Trece : we can began to speak about park's exchange now :)
So, as you understood, I am Florence, stupid french Edouard's collegue :p During this park's exchange, I was in Kurtuvenai with Luca (great because I missed to ride a horse....  I rode a pony !!!!), in Žemaitija with Nathalia after (learnt to make riešinė for example), and I was with Sabrina this week in Aukštaitija ! what did we do ? well,  we painted a map of Palūšė...

besides we cleaned our huge lovely ermite-house for a seminar,  enjoyed a hike along the castle hills with an italian guy with a strange job here (who would have been obviously totally screwed up without us), continued daily business with mice-catching and so on. All in all we enjoyed a perfect time together!

And now to the weather forecast:
Next week the first snow is supposed to come and we are exitedly looking forward to dance amongst the first flakes comming down onto the face of Lithuania... Temperatures will not stay in Minus long enough for letting it stay, so go for it!

The lottery-numbers of next week...
Oh! But Florence is complaining, she wants to have the keyboard back. So see you soon, farewell, bisou bisou, whatsoever

Sabrina is cheating.....

Viskas gerai taigi !

Just an autumn picture of Palūšė to finish !

Oh ! by the way, we have the 11th of november (armistice between french-german 1914-1918) and a nice day for weddings (11.11.2011) ^^ AND finally the official beginning of the carneval-season (11.11 at 11:11 o' clock)! Let's go for a blini-party this evening ! hihihihi !

hugs from Sabrina and Florence <3

Thursday, 20 October 2011

About our life in Palūšė

Paluse is this little 100 inhabitants village located in the heart of Aukstaitija National Park. And it's the place where we, Florence and I, have been volunteering for more than five months now. In this post, you might get a better idea of what volunteering is all about. And if after that, you're still willing to read and discover more, then visit our volunteer's blog :

Festivals, part of volunteering life over summer

The other day, my mentor Linas told me : « In your blog, you desbribe lots of events. But there’s really something missing. There’s nothing about your everyday life in the Park, with the staff, your life as EVS volunteer »… And he is right ! So I’ll try to correct that now with this post.

Sharing family life with our colleague Edmundas

Florence and the biologist Bronius

First, being a volunteer is not all about work. We surely helped a lot over summer with the visitors. We were arranging accomodation for them, giving them advices about what to see, what to do in the Park, selling maps and postcards, and sometimes showing them around Paluse. Other jobs were for instance putting up signs in the campsites and sites of interest all over the Park for better information, picking up rabbish left behind by unrespectful people, helping to clean up the campground and the tourism center in Paluse, improving the visibility of painted symbols on trees, showing the way to follow on the botanical trail. And the translation of the Park’s website into french is still an important ongoing job.

Our everyday walk or cycle work/home

But being a volunteer is about discovering as well. Culture, traditions, language… I believe some of the traditions are already a bit described in all the events we’ve attended and written about. Culture is a large concept. It encompasses people’s daily routine, way of life, way of thinking, beside others. Far from being a culture shock, Lithuania still offers us a different view over people’s behaviours, and opens up our minds to the diversity of Europe.
We enjoyed our gardening results all summer
One of the firsts

The first weeks, I was a bit disoriented, not knowing what to think about people who would hardly open their mouths or show any emotion whatsoever. Are they all shy ? Why don’t they smile ? Why don’t they reply when we expect at least some kind of reaction while daring speaking up our firsts « Laba diena » ? But then we understood. The soviet period is not that far away still, and people were not so communicative then, because they had to take care about everything they would say, and not to tell anything to anybody, cause such an attitude would cause them soon some big big trouble. So communication remains, for many people here, something that they don’t excell in. But actually, we started to find more and more really nice people to talk to, and locals started to be flubbergasted when hearing our timidly spoken lithuanian. Only a few words and they would already be like : « Oh you speak such a good lithuanian ! » Funny !

Like Columbo
Our colleague Roma and us

With the staff members, we became more and more able to communicate in lithuanian. Especially Florence. Following the opinion of all other volunteers and EVS trainers, I think she’s probably the best starting from zero word lithuanian-speaker volunteer of all time. Sometimes, it almost seems like she is more at ease with lithuanian than with english ! I feel like crap compared to her. The reason for that is very clear : I didn’t put as much energy as her in learning this challenging language. I felt I could follow her for the first few weeks, but then, I was just left behind. She is like Columbo, always having some kind of piece of paper with her to write any new word she would hear. Then, at the end of the day, with the greatest seriousness of all, she would copy all these words again on her little self-made dictionnary. And learn them. She is definitely the only Park volunteer doing that. And we can only have admiration for such a great involvment, passion and motivation. It is explainable. She loves this country so much that she wants to stay here. Forever ? Well, maybe, so she says...

Having a good connexion with our colleagues at work is definitely part of our EVS, and with her lithuanian skills and her capabilities to speak about nothing and everything with anyone, Florence is managing it really well! So well that from time to time, she now spends some nights in Ignalina, the closest little city, hosted by Irena or Asta.
I am probably much more shy in that sense, and don’t dare talking to my colleagues that often, by lack of confidence and frustration of not being able to share what I’d like to.

I don’t feel as much attachment with Lithuania as Florence does, maybe because I always tend to compare with my uncomparable previous travelling experiences, especially New Zealand. But I honestly like this country. Some really great people, especially the staff members we spend much time with. A very interesting culture, with this odd mixture of paganistic and religious influences – Lithuania was the last european country to become christian, that was only in the XVth century ! Some beautiful landscapes, with a such a rich and fantastic nature. And we can’t complain with the place we live in !
With another colleague...
Neighbouring the forest, we’ve been able to go quite often mushroom picking and berry picking (I was really amazed at the amount of blueberries you can find here over summer, they form like a gigantic carpet covering the whole forest, picking options are unlimited!), and to get some vegetables from our lovely home-made garden. For volunteers keen on fishing, our place is fantastic as well, with this little “pier” we have just down the stairs.

Interactive nature exhibition
With our bicycles, named “Ugnis” (Fire) and “Mėlynės” (Blue), we’ve been enjoying some nice chilling out rides throughout the Park. We actually used them a lot, to go to work everyday (a lovely ride along lake Lušiai) and to go to Ignalina, 4 kms away.

The delicious and typical cold beetroot soup
And the less typical snails (but we're french!)

We go shopping there, and for about three months, and an average of twice a week, we went to visit the greatest teacher of all, Astra. We got very lucky having her as our lithuanian teacher, for many reasons :
-          Her full time job is teacher, which is not the case for most other volunteers’ teachers.
-          She did not only teach us the language itself, but shared with us her great knowledge about lithuanian culture and history she is very proud of.
-          She was very flexible and generous concerning the lenght of the lessons, supposed to last for 1h30 but usually lasting for at least one more hour of pleasure!
-          We shall not forget she is a very good cook, and she would almost always prepare us a yummy dish or some cake to try out. Only once or twice, she did not manage because of a lack of time (she is a very active woman!), and was apologizing so much about it that it became really funny.

With another colleague again!

Only one and a half month before our volunteering project comes to an end. Time flew so fast! But we’ll make most of our time left. We are currently doing Park exchange, all eight volunteers hosting for two weeks and visiting for two other weeks. A good opportunity to see how it works in other regional or national Parks, what sort of activities our fellow volunteers are doing in their projects. Some more teaching and learning experiences up to come.

The interactive nature exhibition I organise in Palūšė this upcoming Saturday will surely be one of them. All Park volunteers will gather for this event they will run altogether, with plenty of workshops about recycling, making your own paper, your own natural paint, building up a compost toilet, making your own juggling balls, before trying them out of course, etc. The idea is to get local people involved, and to learn from them as well as to try to teach them some of our skills.
Lithuanians are shy... but not always!
This post might have been a bit long, thanks if you managed to read it till the end! :-)

One of the main issues : mosquitoes


Friday, 9 September 2011

Prienu Globos Namu

Hello everybody!!!

Here I put for your interes one interview about my work in the care home, about me like EVS etc.

I hope you like it, no more to tell :) See you soon!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Episode III: Summer camps for kids

Hi volunteers in Lithuania, I'm Luca from Kurtuvenai. Today I want to write about Summer Camps for Kids in Kurtuvenai Regional Park. For 2 months during the summer, the Park has organized summer camps for kids: the main activity during the day was horse riding but with did also others; exursion in the forest, archery, birds watching, bats watching, traditional lithuanian game and sports. For 4 weeks I was one of the group leaders, a wonderful experience, I learned more and more about the nature and culture of Lithuania and it was a good opportunity to improve my lithuanian :) (was very funny when I tried to talk in lithuanian with the kids). Definitly, summuer camps were a very good manner to spend my summer here in Kurtuvenai Regional Park.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Hello everybody!!!

It is Esther from Birstonas another time.

Today i am going to speak about the differents events tha

t we had and in wich we participated in our care home during this months.

My and my colleague Iryna participated in differents events in Poland with our care home, this events consisted in do diferents activities with other cares homes from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia etc.
The activitis consist in sing typical songs, make theater, show the works and projects etc. We was helping that everythings was ok with the residents of our care home, their needs etc.

For me this activities was really funny and the big oportunity to saw another country and how they work there. It was a very enriching experience.

Now I show you some photos of this events.

Other event in wich our care home participate was in Vilnius, a Talent Competition.
I was singing and dancing with our resedents and we won diploma for international participation, original and funny.
This event was really important for me, cause I felt fully integrated, could sing in Lithuanian...

I put here the pictures and a video in the next page.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Episode II: the first 3 months

Hi volunteers, it's Luca from Kurtuvenai. Let me tell you about our (me and Diana) first task. In the first 3 months we checked the conditions of the information system objects around the park, for example information panels or road signs. It was a great opportunity to discover the park and go in all the most important places, we saw a lot of beautiful nature and natural monuments. Finally we wrote a report about the problems we have seen and it was a very useful job for the responsible for land management. In the picture you can see Diana while is checking the conditions of that road sign.
See you in the next episode


Saturday, 13 August 2011

Better later than never!!!

Hi dear volunteers in Lithuania (the land of the beautiful ladies), I'm Luca, an italian volunteer in Kurtuvenai Regional Park. I've been here since the 5th of may and i'm leaving in december, so i'm in the middle of my experience. I know, it's too late to write only now about my experience, but let me try to start now to be more responsable.
Do you want to learn how to ride a horse? Come in Kurtuvenai, is the perfect place!! Never in my life i could imagine to learn how to ride a horse...and now, thanks to my EVS, i'm learning and it's wonderful. One of my dream, when I was a child, was to become a knight (not only a Jedi) or a wanderer in the Middle Earth...and this is my first step :).
Of course, here in Kurtuvenai there are other works to do, we are not playing all the time...but I leave this topic for the next episode in this EVS diary!!!!

A lot of kisses


Friday, 8 July 2011

EVS in Birstonas

Hi another time!!! It is Esther from Birstonas

Today I am going to talk a bit about my volunteer work. Throughout the week I do differents activities with the residents of the care home.

Weekly activities:

With people without dementia:

Crafts, such as decorated with tapestries, bracelets, necklaces of felt, crochet etc.

Recreational activities and training, helps to fill the leisure time, acquire knowledge and tools that can help prevent damage caused by risk behaviors: boredom, incorrect dietary patterns, etc ...
Make figures from colored paper. Helps to improve fine motor skills and concentration.


It consists in the manufacture of decorative objects and jewelry with crochet. People who do this workshop they know this type of work but it is for given some company environment and new models and traditional colors of Spain. Improves fine motor skills and knowledge of different cultures.


It consist in make necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings from beads. To occupy free time and improve fine motor skills and concentration. Learning to make different models in different cultures (Spanish).


It consit to collect materials of the care home not used as boxes and decorate it for their own use. This workshop is good for learning mechanisms, improve eye-hand coordination, enhance concentration and creativity. Increase self-esteem and feeling useful. Promotes networking and teamwork.


The yoga workshop will allow tospend their time constructively, creating feelings of belonging to a group.

This is an adaptation of traditional yoga for people with some kind of limitation. The dystonia and muscle elasticity of many of these people suffer the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle without activity. It can help to relax and get a better quality of life, both in physical appearance, as the search for inner peace and improve their social relationships with others.

With people with dementia:


This workshop was conducted with p eople who have some type of dementia to paint different pictures which help in fine motricity, in attention and concentration as well as helping to distinguish colors and shapes.


It consists in painting with watercolor paper flowers. Helps to improve fine motor skills with both hands.While a hand paints, the other holds the flower, improve atention.


It consists inpainting with watercolor paper animals. Helps to improve fine motor skills with both hands.While a hand paints, the other holds the flower, improve atention.


It consists in the preparation of figures and shapes with plasticine.This workshop is specifically for people who have more difficulty performing previous workshops, with an improvement in the thin motricity


It consist in fill in drawings with small paper balls made ​​previously with different colors. Improves fine motor skills and attention. It helps to distinguish shapes and colors.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

EVS in Birstonas


I´m Esther Rúas Miguélez from Spain (Galicia); I´m doing EVS since last january in Birstonas.
I work in Prienai Globos Namu; It is a care house, here i work with old and disabled people. I work with other volunteer from Ukraine (Iryna in the photo).
I prepare yoga lessons for them, and it works very well, i already did during three months and they are very happy with that.
I also work with demential sections there; i make paint activities with them as well as other games.
I am happy with professionals here, i think it´s a nice place and i think people that live here enjoy their lives.
Actually i cannot say anything else, but soon i will write more about my expirience here.

See you!!!!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Gražutes Regioninis Parkas

News from the border!
Rocio and I, Sabrina, are located at the very east of Lithuania in the beautiful park called "Gražutes"... we will try to collect our impressions on our new "diary"-blog, as we want to share our impressions with you. You can follow us on:

Well, we will see each other at the next week's on arrival training! Looking forward to that one...
all the best!

Rocio & Sabrina

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The New Beginning

Center of Youth Voluntary Activities "Deineta" together with several national and regional parks of Lithuania has started a new European Voluntary Service project under EU "Youth in Action". This blog is part of a long lasting initiative to give more visibility to the programme and overall promotion to international volunteering. Volunteers participating in this and other other EVS projects join to write the diary, which grows together with their learning, experiences and adventures in Lithuania.